Trade is now more important than ever to restaurant owners, as price increases are the smallest in 30 years!”
— Wendy Webster National Restaurant Association
Increased competition, less discretionary income and a sluggish economy makes trade the most effective tool of the 2000’s”
— USA Today
Trading can boost business... that’s why some cash-poor companies are turning to trade as a way to expand”
— American Express Magazine
Trade is winning new respect. The ancient technique’s popularity is greater than ever”
— CFO Magazine
Looking for relief from the credit crunch? To acquire the goods and services you need without disseminating your dwindling cash, a growing number are turning to trade.”
— INC Magazine
University of Stanford Graduate School of Business predicts that at the end of this year, American companies will be conducting 20% of their business through trade. IBM, Chrysler and General Electric have used trade for years”
— University of Stanford Graduate School of Business
There is no doubt that trade is the wave of the future. We estimate that in 2002, trade transactions by American Business will total more than 40 billion dollars”
— Harvard School of Business
The awakening of capitalism in European countries couldn’t have come at a better time than now, when America is undergoing a renaissance in global trade”
— European Business Journal
Trade is the only business that has doubled every year since 1980”
— Wall Street Journal
Trade is growing phenomenally in our American economy... faster than statistics can count”
— Nation's Business
If I had my life to live over again, I would elect to be a trader of goods rather than a student of science. I think barter is a noble thing.”
— Albert Einstein