Businesses need to advertise to develop branding and market awareness, gain new clients, market share and continue to grow. During these challenging economic times, a business needs every advantage possible to sustain and grow.

Our various Creative Trade programs can help a company:

  • Build their Brand
  • Close new distributors (wholesale and retail)
  • Leverage their marketing budget
  • Generate sales
  • Minimize risk
  • Save cash

We offer custom opportunities utilizing all major forms of media placements to meet your advertising objectives. Creative Trade allows you to leverage limited cash resources into substantial ad campaigns utilizing our ad placement opportunities which are primarily mainstream consumer focused TV, Radio, Internet and Print options distributed on a regional or national basis.

 We custom tailor a program to your specific requirements but the primary benefits are inherent for everyone: 

  • Create a first class national media campaign with limited impact on your cash flow
  • Recognize lower net cash media costs
  • Receive 3rd party verification of your funding approval and media plans for presentation to strategic partners, mass retailers, distributors, investors, etc.
  • Create new sales channels
  • Save cash!

Additional Services: We also offer competitive marketing and advertising advantages over standard media buying or ad agency platforms. With little exclusivity and the ability to turn your inventory into ad space at your cost of goods, you’ll still be provided first class detailed reporting and the information you need to make informed advertising decisions. Your media plan will be serviced, analyzed and trafficked from beginning to end as you would expect from all cash, high priced firms.

  • Plan and execute the optimal advertising strategy and tactics based on your competitive advantage
  • Respond fast and effectively to your competitors based on the latest ad spending, occurrence and creative intelligence

Full comprehensive  reporting will include:

  • Proof of performance
  • Based on media type may include CTR, run times, viewership along with complete follow up for the most effective campaign.
  • Reports come directly from the media company